Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Boo Y'all!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halloween Spider??

We found this critter on our sidewalk...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Father's Day 2008

Enjoying the day at our favorite lake!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

We spent the holiday weekend with some friends who also live here in Bella Vista. They are staying at a lake front home on Windsor and invited us over for BBQ and beverages! Even though the weather was unpredictable, we still managed to get some swimming and tubing in.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothers Day

After a rather chilly morning here in the Ozarks, we got busy with our annual flower bed makeover and BBQ extravaganza.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Lake Ann

We decided to jump in the "Toon" Sunday.

Coleman Observatory

My family and I visited a local astronomy club observatory located near Van Buren, Ar. Holy cow what telescope! They have this mammoth pier mounted 14" Go-To SCT and the views were nothing like I've seen before. While we were there we looked at some planets, Mercury to start then Saturn and 5 of it's moons. Once it was dark enough, we pointed the scope to a couple of globular clusters and what I was looking forward to the most...galaxies! The kids were getting tired by now so I didn't get to see but three of these star cities and WOW!!! The first galaxy we targeted was M104 (The Sombrero) then NGC 4565 another edge on galaxy and finaly M51 (The Whirlpool) OMG! I have viewed this galaxy for the first time a couple of months ago through my 5" Mak and I was pretty happy to see the two faint fuzzy cores. This monster light bucket is a photon collecting beast! I guess the combination of dark skies and 14" of aperture allowed me to see structure, I'm talking obvious spirals and the bridge to the companion galaxy structure! Man, I could have stayed all night...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter 2008

Easter fun in Hobart, Ok.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Another Snow Day

This time we recieved 6-7" of dry powder, not so good for building snow people. By the time we were able to pack the snow, it was already above freezing and things were really starting to melt fast. I think there is only one snow person left standing :(

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Day

The family and I got the day off from school and work. We rode sleds, made snow angels, ate snow, threw snow balls and made a snow man. This was the good stuff, not too dry and not too wet...just right! The only thing that could've topped today would be a snow day on a Friday.

Could it's snowing!

Well, the Meteoroligist finally got the forecast right. They predict 4-10" and I'd say we already have 2" in the fist 2 hours.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Partial Mosaic

I took several images of our lunar neighbor last night and stitched three of them together with photoshop. At 180 power I managed to get less than 10 km resolution, even with poor seeing and numb fingers. The two main craters are Tycho on the right and Copernicus on the left.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dallas...Duhnn Duhnn Duhnnnn!

Well, today's game could have been better. The way the Cowboys played in their last few games I wasn't surprised with the loss. Oh well, there is next year to look foward to. Sorry James.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Cloudless Night

Tonight was clear of clouds, so I decided to bundle up, break out the telescope and take a peek at some of the nights' gems. With a little help from my astronomy software, I was able to find quite a few Messier and NGC objects. I viewed a total of 5 galaxy's, 7 globular clusters and a couple of nebulae, one those being the elusive M1 "Crab Nebula", a pretty good session for a last minute decision. Unfortunately I did not take any images of these distant beauties, but here is a snap shot of M81 and M82 two galaxies I did see.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Oh no OU

What hell was that On Side Kick call? I rank that up there with using Hydrogen to float a blimp! As much as I hate to say it...West Virginia was clearly the better team in this bowl.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year Y'all!

Couldn't resist this opportunity. It was 20 degrees, the sky was clear, the humidity was low and I haven't had the scope out in 3 weeks...brrrr,hope you enjoy the scenery. Go Sooners!

Sugar Bowl...Aint that a Daisy!

This game is what I expected, Hawaii is another team that should have played in a non BCS Bowl. The Dawgs are more than most could bare. Go Sooners!

Fiesta Bowl 2008

I am ready for this game like no body's business, been watching just about every Bowl game since X-Mas. I just hope our beloved Sooners are ready as well and this game does not become a repeat from last year's lost against Boise State...BTW, one of the best games I ever witness even though Oklahoma did not win. Go Sooners!

The Tournament of Roses

In my opinion, this is one the Bowl's Mizzou should have played in. I'm not knocking the Cotton Bowl or Arkansas, I just feel that the Tigers were BCS worthy. USC is very strong right now and I'm not sure any NCAA football team could beat them in Pasadena at this time, but Mizzou would be a great contender. It is clear to me and I'm sure to most of the country, Illinois should have played in Dallas not California. Go Sooners!

Go Cotton Pickn' Hogs!/Go Big XII!

This has been a much anticipated game for me and somewhat for Jill. Even though we are true Sooner fans, we always root for the Razorbacks. Now, if Arkansas was to play against the Sooners anytime in the future, that would be a different story. The only problem with this particular game's a bowl game against the Big XII and I usually root for all of our conference teams this time of year, especially the Sooners, of course. So, I have mixed emotions about this game and I guess will root for whoever is losing at the time. Go Sooners!